Emily's Naughty Cousins Read online

  Emily’s Naughty Cousins

  Published by Derren Grathy

  Copyright 2015 Derren Grathy

  Thank you for choosing to read Emily’s Naughty Cousins! The proceeds from these sales further my time and ability to write more saucy tales. Check out my other works listed below and at the back of this story, and enjoy!

  Derren Grathy

  Smashwords Catalog

  Impregnation Erotica

  Literotica Stories

  Emily’s Naughty Cousins

  "I'm sorry, miss. This isn't Terminal A."

  "What!?" Emily started, "Where am I now?"

  "Terminal G," the attendant said, putting on a practiced look of concern as Emily struggled to keep hold of all her bags. "It might take awhile to get there. Would you like to rent a courier to assist you?"

  "No no, I'll be fine," Emily sighed and hefted her bulging suitcase and duffle bag again. "Which way is the terminal?"

  "Follow the signs - you can't miss it."

  "Thanks," Emily scuttled back out into the massive airport hallway. The midwestern girl had already found herself in the wrong terminal three times, and now she could chalk up a fourth.

  "God, I'm late..." Emily muttered, shunting herself along like some commando recruit tasked to the baggage train. She was supposed to meet up with her cousins half an hour ago at Terminal A. They said it was, "right next to where your plane will let off," which apparently meant a mile or two away.

  People shot mixed looks of amusement and pity at the overburdened girl hobbling along the moving sidewalk. Emily thanked god for all her swim training back at high school. No way could she have pulled off circumventing the airport otherwise in the search for her waiting cousins, Jennifer and Nathan.

  Their mother, the sister of Emily's mother, struck it big with her husband by developing some big city real estate agency. In short, that side of the family was loaded, but the last time Emily had been with her cousins was when they visited her mom's ranch as kids. Wealth doesn't stop you from catching snowballs with your face or jumping into the hay from the loft.

  Emily tried to ignore the burning in her shins as she shambled through yet another food court. Many wonderful summers were spent horsing around together with Jennifer and Nathan. Back then they acted more like siblings than 1st cousins. The three of them were inseparable despite Emily’s twin cousins being a year and a half older, which to a starry-eyed seven year old was a huge disparity!

  Now at the turn of her eighteenth birthday, Emily fretted about meeting her 'older cousins' again for the first time in years. Emily rounded a corner, puffing and leaning against a pillar that read ‘Terminal A’.

  “Finally,” Emily puffed and looked around, “Where are…” Her half-second search produced the sight of an unmistakable pair standing at the end of the hallway, waving.

  "Emily!" Jennifer called, "Over here!"

  "I'm here!" Emily yelled, more loudly than anticipated. Relief washed over her like cold water on a hot iron. She didn't even mind when the venders and patrons eyed her like some ridiculous packrat as she scooted over to them. Many a 'sorry' and 'excuse me' left her lips before she dropped her bags without a moment to spare.

  "Sorry, sorry! I'm so late," Emily caught her knees and breathed hard.

  "What's all this?" Jennifer said, "Packing for a blizzard?"

  "Just spring break stuff. I've never been to a beach before."

  "Hah! I think Emily has you beat," Nathan nudged his sister Jennifer. She nudged him back.

  "Pfft, says the guy who would have just taken some old boxers if I let him. We girls have needs, you know?"

  "Yeah," Emily cracked a smile and rose up. Her cousins stood beside their neatly-piled baggage cart. They hadn’t even broken a sweat. Jennifer's smirk made Emily's cheeks burn.

  "No courier, huh?" Jennifer said, "That's what took you so long?"

  "More like the four wrong terminals, actually..." Emily grumbled. Nathan and Jennifer raised their eyebrows.

  "Four!?" Jennifer almost shrieked, "Holy crap! Nathan, get that crazy girl’s bags from her!" Nathan snatched the suitcase from her and hoisted it into the luggage cart before Emily could even stretch her jaw.

  "You've gotten taller," Emily mentioned as Nathan took her duffle bag like it was filled with feathers. The straw-haired boy smiled and nodded, standing a good half a foot above his petite cousin.

  "You've stayed about the same," he said, "And I remember that scowl too!"

  "It's been years you know. I’m bigger too," Emily groused as Jennifer joined in unpacking her swaying relative.

  "It really has been a long time," she said. The pair slipped off the satchels from Emily's shoulders. "I can't believe how much you've grown too!"

  "Thanks," she replied. Her smile wouldn't leave. More than a few people turned their heads as Emily's cousins stripped off bags one after another. It must have looked like some kind and careful mugging, or a weird strip show.

  "There, that's the last of it," Jennifer said. Nathan grunted as he placed the last onto the mountainous pile. "Carrying all those bags of bricks works wonders, huh? You look amazing girl!" Jennifer swooped in for a hug.

  “Just swim meets and stuff,” Emily returned her tight squeeze. She noticed that she had finally caught up with Jennifer in height, and otherwise.

  "Ohh, that's new," Jennifer smirked and looked down between them. "When did you get a chest on you?"

  "Ah, well, I'm eighteen now you know!" Emily stammered, staring back at her cousin's busty frame. Still the older cousin, that was for sure. Jennifer snuggled close anyway, still the same girl who loved to tease her little cousin.

  "You're hogging her, sis. It's my turn," Nathan said, prying his sister off Emily before scooping the girl up into his arms. Emily squealed and hugged tight.

  "Wow! You're definitely bigger Nathan!"

  "Just wrestling tournaments and stuff," he said. The once scrawny kid now had muscles to define his long arms and torso, and he held Emily off the ground like she weighed nothing at all. Those days where Emily could pin him to the ground were long gone. But looking at his face, Emily still saw the same shy, bright-eyed cousin she loved.

  "I say enough of this lovey-dovey stuff," Jennifer piped up, "How about we get going to the manor?"

  "Manor!?" Emily said as Nathan let her down," I thought we would be getting a hotel?"

  "Not while with us," Jennifer continued. "Mom and Dad bought a little beachside condo. So long as we don't trash the place, it's all ours for the week."

  "Oh my god, that's so cool!" Emily bounced on her feet. Jennifer and Nathan laughed.

  "She's so easy to get excited," Jennifer said, giving her brother a sidelong glance.

  "Aren’t we that excitable too though?" Nathan replied, his arm snaking around his sister's waist. "I know I am. We get some alone time with our favorite cousin. And ourselves."

  "Ohhh really? Like I would forget, hehe..." Jennifer giggled softly. Emily looked on, her imagination for this house and the beach running wild in her head.

  "Lets go!" Emily almost shouted again, breaking the little moment between her dawdling cousins.

  "Alright, alright!" Nathan turned to his sister and nodded at the bags. "You heard the woman. Shall we get moving then, sis?"

  "Sounds good to me, bro." She smirked, and only then did they let go of each other. Jennifer assigned Nathan to cart duties, and she sat herself and Emily onto the back of the luggage courier. Emily looked on like a star-struck puppy.

  "I wonder what it will be like..." she kicked her feet, unable to contain herself. Jennifer threw her arm around her shoulders and pulled her close.

  "I promise it'll be something you never forget," she said, a wry smile on h
er lips.


  "Here we go. Home sweet home," Jennifer said, opening the door to the beachside manor. Emily's eyes could not move fast enough to take it all in.

  "Oh wow - Wow!" she twirled into the place, leaving Jennifer and Nathan at the door. "Holy wow, guys. Do you see this place!?"

  "Yep, we see it." Nathan smirked at his sister, who dotted on her a phone.

  "It's just a little place for the break,” Jennifer said, “But beachside property like this is prime real estate, around the top tier in property valued-"

  "The windows are so big!" Emily rushed over to them, unfazed by Jennifer's property jargon. The open floor plan on the lower level connected the kitchen to a spacious living room, above which hung the upper floor with polished-mahogany banister and railing. All of it faced out towards the huge windows behind the entertainment center, overlooking the gentle waves of the beach.

  "I think she's getting overloaded," Nathan offered, carrying in the girls' luggage in. Jennifer smirked at the awestruck girl.

  "We'll keep her here tonight. The beach would definitely fry her circuits,” she placed an order for pizza on her phone and continued, “Besides, I don't think we could pry her off the window just yet."

  "The waves!" Emily hopped on the couch and stared at the foamy waves hitting the late afternoon sand. The whole beach glowed amber yellow as the sun settled into a bank of fluffy clouds. The few remaining beachgoers packed up for the night as the balmy air drifted to coolness. "Do you guys see how pretty it is!?"

  "Oh yeah, and we'll be going out there tomorrow for some swimming and sunbathing," Jennifer said. By the time Emily peeled herself off the window her cousins had everything inside. Jennifer pointed to the upper-floor bedrooms.

  "There's your room, Emily,” she said, “Nathan’s got you all set up in there."

  "Oh? Oh!" Emily ran up the stairs and cried out as she found her room. "Oh!! The bed is so big! Is this king-sized? Oh wow!"

  "Probably," Nathan said.

  "Hopefully," Jennifer smirked. Emily reappeared at the banister.

  "There's another bedroom up here, you guys. We could each have one all to ourselves."

  "Oh?" Jennifer said, looking at Nathan. He shrugged his shoulders.

  "You've got the upstairs to yourself, Emily." Nathan said. "Jennifer and I are more comfortable in the same room downstairs."

  "Oh my god! Does your room have two beds!?" Emily cried out. Truly the lavishness of the place overwhelmed her midwestern sensibilities. Jennifer laughed and patted her brother on the shoulder.

  "Hah! I don't think so, Emily. I think the one bed in there is about the same size as yours."

  "So... is Nathan sleeping on the couch?" Emily asked.

  "Nope. He's all mine," Jennifer said. Nathan gave her a strange look, and she just stuck her tongue out at him. Emily just smiled.

  "He's pretty big though. I thought you two would want separate beds."

  "Oh he's big alright!" Jennifer stood up straight, coming a little further than Emily did beside Nathan's stature. She continued as Nathan gave her another weird look. "We sleep in the same room at home, so we're more comfortable together. Right Nathan?"

  "Y-yeah," he said, putting on a smile, "It's fine, Emily. We're used to it."

  "Okay," Emily conceded. Most of her friends complained incessantly about their siblings, but that was never the case with Nathan and Jennifer. Even as kids they were best friends, and never shy about getting close to one another.

  Emily watched Nathan lean down and say something in his sister's ear, something which made Jennifer snort and push his shoulder. He was grinning, and he grabbed her waist and pulled her to him, hiding his face behind her neck. Emily smiled at the giggling pair, the only-child seeing that they were even closer now than before.

  A strange thought entered her head. Jennifer playfully pushed on Nathan's shoulder and he seized her hips. They connected, front to front. It was like Emily could feel it too, that closeness that only one of her ex-boyfriends would do when he was particularly amorous. The thought released some butterflies in her stomach, a feeling Emily shook off.

  "That's silly," she thought, "Nathan and Jennifer aren't boyfriend and girlfriend. Brothers and sisters don't do that!"

  At that thought the pair seemed to remember themselves and parted. Nathan searched the carpet for something as Jennifer grinned up at Emily at the banister.

  "Hey, peeper! We've got pizza coming and some movies to watch. Go get dressed into something comfy while we set things up, okay?"

  "Sweet! Alright, I'll be back in a few minutes."

  Emily shut the door to her new room and threw herself onto the bed. The whole place blew her mind. Nathan had set her bags out on the full four-post king-sized bed. The bay window beside it caught the tail-end of the sunset, a gentle rosy glow that disappeared beneath the cool blue of the ocean.

  The doorbell rang far off, and Emily lifted herself from the bed to get ready. Comfy meant pajamas, and so she slipped off her clothes and pulled on her light blue tank top and boy short panties. A little boyish for sure, but Emily hadn't ever been with a boyfriend long enough to know whether they actually liked all those frilly panties and thongs she admired at the lingerie store.

  "Emily, pizza's here!" Jennifer called.

  "Better hurry," Nathan added, "Jennifer is trying to eat all of it before you come down." Some muffled, giggling words betrayed Jennifer's guilty mouthful.

  "I'll be right there!" Emily called, smiling at herself in a full-length mirror. Swim team practice didn't just make her into a good baggage-handler. Slim and toned from near-daily exercise, she still maintained that feminine softness that curved out her hips and breasts nicely.

  Just in the past year or so the latter made rather nice gains too, much to Emily's pride. She cupped her braless chest and turned side to side. Not quite at the level of Jennifer's, her generous handfuls nonetheless came from the same familial stock. Beneath her shirt were quarter-sized areolas atop mounds with just enough weight to their roundness to give them a little bell-like curve.

  "Still getting bigger, but..." The lovely girl was still shy about her body and its proportions - even alone. Swim practice had one-piece suits and the water to hide most of her skin. She glanced at her suitcase and saw the flower-print bikini she bought, wondering if she would have the courage to wear it.

  "Emily! We've got some movies you'll like too." Jennifer's voice floated up from the downstairs. "Stop ogling yourself and come here!"

  "I'm not ogling!" Emily turned from the bag and trotted out the door. At the top of the stairs she heard Nathan and Jennifer whistling at her scant attire. "Hey!"

  "Sorry, I see what it was." Jennifer grinned, "Can't help but ogle at that. Right, brother?"

  "Yeah," he nodded sagely, "I'm liking the boy shorts myself."

  "Oh, got a thing for girls in boy shorts now?" Jennifer nudged him in the ribs.

  "Maybe," Nathan replied with a nudge of his own.

  "Shut up! They're comfy..." Emily huffed, but the smell of fresh pizza placated her. All their teasing was forgiven, and the night began.

  The evening passed along as the trio feasted on the small stack of pizzas, laughing and catching up on life. Nathan and Jennifer were freshmen in college, already in their second semester. Actually they were attending the same one and shared an off campus apartment despite stuffy school regulations. Even if they did find out, it wasn't like a brother and sister would be up to anything naughty...

  Emily laughed along with them as Jennifer and Nathan battled for the last slice of Canadian bacon. The fight ended with Jennifer's arms locked behind her back as Nathan fed her the piece, teasing it away every now and again. Obviously the two were not a bit timid with getting physical with one another.

  When the movies came out Jennifer snuggled up on Nathan like he was her personal recliner, and he in turn wrapped his arms around her front. They didn't leave Emily out though - Jennifer propped her feet up on her lap, l
aughing at Emily's grousing.

  "You'll get your turn cousin. Some day…" Jennifer said, sighing as Nathan endured his sister's cattish attentions.

  It was all in good fun of course. The action movie had them all tossing popcorn at one another, and the romantic comedy would have put Nathan to sleep if Jennifer didn't keep poking his cheek. When the horror movie came, both girls found themselves glued to Nathan's sides like clams to a rock, so that by the end the boy could barely pry them off. Finally Nathan shut the television off and leaned back into the couch.

  "Gah, that was... graphic."

  "Yeah," Emily said, still wide-eyed. She tried to convince herself that those stupid campers were just filled with high-pressure tomato sauce and actually needed to be depressurized by the guy with the chainsaw. Jennifer huffed and straightened up.

  "Hmph. I don't know - when they are all hack-and-slash like that, it kinda takes away from the scariness."

  "Oh? Not scary, huh?" Nathan mused. He jammed his fingers into her side, and Jennifer's screeching jump sent her into Nathan's waiting lap. Emily and Nathan laughed, though Jennifer pursed her lips.

  "Whatever," the red-cheeked girl said. "I think we said something about bed time? Yeah, it's bed time. Come on!" She got up and pulled Emily to her feet.

  "I'm not that tired," Emily yawned. Jennifer cocked her head, readying up to scold her like an older sister. The look itself was argument enough. "Fine, fine. I'll go to bed."

  "Good. We've got a lot of beach-stuff planned for tomorrow, and we can't have you laying around the whole time."

  "No fun if you're just a tanning lump, like some girls I know..." Nathan added behind Jennifer's shoulder. Emily stifled a giggle as Jennifer's look shot daggers back at him.

  "Anyway, off to bed. Off you go!" Jennifer shooed her halfway up the stairs. Emily turned around at the top and rubbed her eyes.

  "Goodnight guys. Tonight's been a lot of fun."

  "The fun’s just beginning," Jennifer's smirk belied the mischievous girl’s secret plans. Not that a tired Emily would have noticed it right then. Jennifer turned to her brother and whispered, a little something that made the handsome guy grin the same way.